Category Archives: spring flowers

A Rose is a Rose is a Tulip

A lovely close up shot of a beautiful rose…
But wait,
Back up a bit….


Now it’s a tulip!

When shopping for fall bulbs last year, I opted for these beauties instead of the standard tulip.
I glad I did. I love them! They are “Angelique”, a late double tulip. 

Mini Daffodils

Finally, flowers! Last fall I rushed around at the last minute, digging bulbs into the flower beds like a mad woman. I’m sure the neighbors are now convinced that I’m a little strange. But my strangeness has paid off and I now have splashes of color, albeit mostly yellow, around the house.
It’s not as many as I’d like to have. I want to recreate the glossy magazine photos where the flowers form carpets of color throughout the gardens.
Someday I’ll get there. I’ll add more bulbs again this fall- I’m sure in a hurried fashion. But for now, it’s nice to see the color after a long dreary winter!

Tête-à-Tête, a very fragrant, miniature daffodil


Is it Really Spring This Time?

Painted Lady sipping breakfast from North Star cherry blossoms

The sun is shining, the air is warm, the grass is green and the Garden Center was Crazy Busy yesterday…
I think, I Hope…
YES! It’s finally here! Let the gardening begin!

Sweet Poison

Convallaria majalis

Lily of the Valley,
A wonderful ground cover for shady places. Sweet smelling flowers in early spring that turn into poisonous red berries. Plant this invasive little beauty where you can keep it under control and out of the way of curious children and pets.