Tag Archives: garden

Gentle Guardian

The rabbit statue has almost disappeared!
The rabbit statue has almost disappeared!

Fifteen inches of rain in the last three weeks!

Garden, grass and weeds are growing like mad!

We finally got a break today with clear skies, cool breezes and bright sun so

I spent an hour pulling weeds in the vegetable garden but barely made a dent!

A Rose is a Rose is a Tulip

A lovely close up shot of a beautiful rose…
But wait,
Back up a bit….


Now it’s a tulip!

When shopping for fall bulbs last year, I opted for these beauties instead of the standard tulip.
I glad I did. I love them! They are “Angelique”, a late double tulip. 

Dear Winter…

Dear winter, you tire me so,
Though lovely and white,
I wish you’d go.
My camera if full of fluffy snow flakes,
How I long to see flowers,
and design my new garden gate.
No worries, the weatherman predicted,
This next little storm is only a clipper,
Just one to three inches of new snow is expected.
Another ten inches and still snowing hard!
That’s it! I’ve had it!
I want my green yard!


Tiny Predator

A tiny beneficial wasp who’s name I’m not positive of. I did a search on the internet and came up with –Ichneumon Wasp (Ichneumonidae). She’s about as long as my pinky fingernail or 6mm ( I don’t have long fingernails).
They are harmless to us but deadly to the cabbage worms and aphids that eat my perennials!
To me, the insects are just as interesting as the flowers! 
Go here to see the opposite end of the scale for black wasps in my garden -> Giant Black Wasp

Everything’s Coming Up Flowers

Annabell Hydrangea ~ Hydrangea arborescens ‘Annabelle’

 Summer’s in full swing now and so is the garden…
So here’s a few more blooms for you to enjoy.
Happy Summer!

Marigolds (Tagetes sp.)

False Sunflower, Heliopsis

Spider Web Hens and Chicks (Sempervivum arachnoideu) go here for post with this plant

Munstead Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia)

Blanket Flower, Gaillardia ‘Arizona Sun’

Joe Pye Weed, Eupatorium purpureum ~ pre-bloom