Tag Archives: winter

On a Warm February Evening

With temperatures in the mid 40’s today, our little herd seemed to be enjoying the mild winter. Browsing is easier this year without the snow, though that didn’t stop them from visiting the feeders again. They’ve really taken a liking to sunflower seed and empty the little screen tray every time I fill it.
They make the rounds every morning and evening, like clockwork, visiting my yard and all the neighbors with feeders, in the same order. You could almost set your watch by them!
Yeah, I hate to say it, but I’ve become attached to our neighborhood deer (sorry Sissy!).

Guess what we got more of….

Welcome February 1st. Welcome Winter storm Maximus, welcome 12+ more inches of the white stuff!  Lets hope the ground hog doesn’t see his shadow tomorrow!

the Wren’s house
snow covered white pines and spruces



my favorite antique ceramic feeder decorated with bat chime


Douglas fir on our corner
Even Morton, our neighbor’s dog, looks unhappy about the extra snow!






Dear Winter…

Dear winter, you tire me so,
Though lovely and white,
I wish you’d go.
My camera if full of fluffy snow flakes,
How I long to see flowers,
and design my new garden gate.
No worries, the weatherman predicted,
This next little storm is only a clipper,
Just one to three inches of new snow is expected.
Another ten inches and still snowing hard!
That’s it! I’ve had it!
I want my green yard!


How Cold is It?

It’s so cold the birds have turned into fluffy little cotton balls!
Temps were around -15 today and that didn’t include the windchill!

Did you know the American Tree Sparrow only spends the winter in northern Illinois? source
Goldfinch, winter plumage


goldfinches, winter plumage. See the yellow chin and wing bands?


“Somebody bring back Spring!”


American Tree Sparrow as ‘puffed out’ as he can get while keeping both feet warm
Downy Woodpecker, looking extra downy today…


Blue Jay was more interested in the squirrel’s corn across the yard

One thing I did notice was that the smaller birds on the ground were all hopping around a little strange. Kind of flopping a bit while they moved from one place to another and using their wings as balance in the snow as they hopped, while propping themselves up.
After watching them for a minute, I realized they were hopping around on one foot, holding the other one up in their feathers to keep warm. They would alternate feet every few hops, then sit down when they found the seed they wanted to eat, keeping both feet warm.
Hang on little guys! Only another 2 months and spring will be here again!

Junco keeping one foot warm


same for the American Tree Sparrow